Okay, so these next two weeks are going to be extremely busy for me.
Today's post is a quick and easy one. The next few weeks will be similar, simple and quick.
This week I made a super cute baby blanket for a friend of mine who is having a baby next month! These types of blankets are very easy and fun to make. I've made these as bigger blankets for adults as gifts many times before.
I know this is a no-sew project, so it doesn't really teach anything about sewing. Still fun though!
I originally got the idea to make this specific blanket when I was digging through a bin at Goodwill! I found this piece of fleece with the adorable world map design. The new parents that I made this blanket for are like my husband and I in the way that we both love anything with an international theme! I immediately thought of them and their coming baby. The perfect gift for them!
First, gather all the supplies. The blanket I found at Goodwill was one of those free gifts for donating to an organization and it already had finished ends, I imagine that originally the fabric was a whole yard, with the finished ends though, it was just under one yard. So unless you find this same fabric, (or a "free gift" blanket like this one) you will need 2 yards of fleece. One yard of pattern fleece for the front, and one yard of solid matching fleece for the back.
(Don't forget to cut off the salvage edge!)
Also, make sure you wash and dry the fabric before you start so that they're pre-shrunk.
I got one yard of fleece for the back and had to measure the front fleece and cut the back fleece to match the measurements.
Then I laid the front and back together on a clean surface. Make sure you place the outsides out.
As you can see in the photos above I cut notches in the four corners of the blanket. Measure a five inch square in the corners and cut it out. This will help to form the corners of the blanket once you start to tie them together.
Next, start cutting the fringe along the sides of the blanket. Cut in five inches, using the corner notches as guidelines. Make each fringe about one inch wide.
It might take a while depending on how big your blanket is but once you are done with the fringe you are almost done!
Start to tie the back and front pieces together in double knots. This also may take a while!
Once you have tied all the fringe pieces together your blanket is done!
If you are giving this as a gift you can tie it together with the salvage edges you cut off earlier! It makes a very sweet looking present I think!
I hope you enjoy making this for someone special in your life!